The Trial of Socrates

A three-part historical graphic novel that takes place in ancient Athens. It's the story of how one of the greatest free thinkers in the ancient world was executed by the era's most democratic city. It's also the story of how his student Plato transformed from an aristocratic politician into the founder of Western philosophy. In sum, it's the story of Socrates' end, and Plato's beginning.

The Devil and the Abyss

How the Concept of “Devil’s Advocate” Became Toxic to Productive Conversation What does it mean to play “Devil’s Advocate”? According… Read More

Socrates vs. Plato

Rescuing Socrates from Plato Without Socrates, there would be no Plato. But in many ways, without Plato, we’d likely never… Read More

7 Socrates Quotes

7 True Socrates Quotes and 1 False One Funny. 90% of the time I see a “Socrates quote” on social… Read More

Creative Team
POLIS: The Trial of Socrates

Jave Galt-Miller is a writer and producer based in Los Angeles. Fascinated by philosophy since high school, he first became interested in Socrates and the period of the Peloponnesian War after reading Picture This by Joseph Heller.

POLIS: The Trial of Socrates

Daniel Becker has been doing graphic art professionally in the US and Australia since 2011, working under the moniker ‘Invisible Ink Studio’. He has a BA in Anthro-pology and Creative Writing, for what its worth.

POLIS: The Trial of Socrates

Andrei Tabacaru has been coloring comic books professionally since 2013. He now works from his home in Romania, with comic writers and artists around the world. His proudest achievement so far was doing colors for the Batman and Bill documentary.
